Daniel Mohr


Sep 15th – Oct 21st, 2023

Installationview ® Marcus Schneider

Installationview ® Marcus Schneider

Opening: 15. Sep. 2023 | 18 – 21 Uhr

Location: LEVY Berlin, Alt-Moabit 110, 10559 Berlin


Daniel Mohr’s (1976*, Bad Hersfeld, Germany) works in the exhibition “Aether” start from the tradition of still life, inventing their own dimension of Natura Morta, in which space and subject interweave and unite to form an aetheric entity.

The idea of ether as a hypothetical substance for basis of light propagation is based on a 17th century thesis. The medium enables the permeation of all space, its essential quality is to reattribute the distant forces to proximate forces, that occur in the description of nature.


Thus, the ether is defined as a link for forces such as pressure and movement from one matter to another.

Mohr’s oeuvre seems move in this medium, sharp and yet fractured by the light of the moment, the works themselves appear like light fracturing surfaces which enables the viewer a glance at luminous, partially amorph Reality.