Allen Jones
Performance in Print (Tom Reichstein Contemporary)
Sep 18th – Sep 20th, 2020
18.09. – 20.09.2020, 12am – 6pm
Opening: 17.09.2020, 4 – 8 pm
Location: TOM REICHSTEIN | CONTEMPORARY, Stockmeyerstr. 41, Halle 4J, 20457 Hamburg
The Pop artist Allen Jones (*1937) will celebrate his 83rdbirthday on September 1. Between1954–59 he studied at Hornsey College of Art and between 1959–60 at Royal College of Art in London next to fellow students as David Hockney and R.B. Kitaj. He became renowned for his iconic sculptural series Hatstand, Table and Chair, displaying bound women figures out of fiberglass and steel functioning as pieces of furniture – a vibrant inspiration for Stanley Kubrick’s interior design of the Korova-milk bar in his groundbreaking movie A Clockwork Orange of 1972.
Meanwhile,Allen Jones is one of the most esteemed British Pop artist of his generation. He was appointed to lecture at several universities and is elected member of the Royal Academy of Arts, London since 1986. Upon the field of stage and dance, sport and advertisement, he plays out his provocative examination of the medial image of the woman and traditional gender roles in a variety of media, in full suspense between figuration and gestural abstraction. In recent times, Jones worked on large-scale sculpture commissions and public art projects. With a continuing fascination to transgress limits – artistic, medial and sexual – he remains a vital master of form.
From the very start, his graphic work holds an essential positions in his complete artistic œuvre forming the experimental field as well as technical and compositional basis for his sculptural and painterly creative work. The exhibition Performance in Print honors Allen Jones the graphic artist and sets focus upon his graphic works between 1995 and 2018, based on the Catalogue Raisonné of Prints – Volume IIpublished by LEVY gallery in 2020. The presentation is complemented by original drawings, small-scale sculptures and photoworks.